Play 新闻



Play 我在新闻上看到了洪水的消息。
wǒ zài xīn wén shàng kàn dào le hóng shuǐ de xiāo xī
I saw the coverage of the flood on the news.
Play 他通常是体育新闻主播。
tā tōngcháng shì tǐyù xīnwén zhǔbō
He's usually the news anchor for sports.
Play 我只为了天气报告才看新闻。
wǒ zhǐ wèile tiānqì bàogào cái kàn xīnwén
I only watch the news for the weather report.
Play 你每天晚上都看新闻吗?
nǐ měitiān wǎnshàng dū kàn xīnwén ma
Do you watch the news every night?
Play 他是5频道的新闻主播。
tā shì 5pín dào de xīn wén zhǔ bō
He's the news anchor from Channel 5.
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